Forth for the Atmel AVR microcontrollers

RAM Technology Systems has developed an embedded multi-tasking Forth Interactive Remote Target Compiler for the AVR microcontroller family.

This is a subroutine threaded Forth with native code and optimisation. There is very little overhead as there is no Forth kernel, only a small Target Link Monitor, a Library supplies those Forth words as required by the application. Many words, like AND, OR, + etc. create in-line code with no CALL...RET to speed up the overall performance.

Via the TLM and a modified serial programmer, IRTC allows a Forth application to be interactively developed. IRTC transparently switches from AVR programming to Forth development and back. All the AVR resources may be viewed and modified from the command line. Registers, I/O, EEPROM, RAM and code may all be dumped. Forth definitions may be entered on the command line and then immediately executed. Interrupts may be coded and initialized directly with vectors stored in RAM allowing several tries as the code is developed without erasing.

The host for IRTC is Win32Forth by Tom Zimmer and associates. This is a full 32bit ANSI Forth for Windows95/98 and NT. You will need Win32For V4.1 if you do not have it already, click here ( 1.4Mb)

A free demo version for the 90S2313 is available by clicking here (IRTC2313.EXE 262K)

IRTC is supplied with .INI files to characterise the AVR device.

The draft IRTC manual is available in Zipped HTML format by clicking here (AVRMAN.ZIP 119K)

To order the full system plus a 3-5V ISP click here.